Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I spent a lot of time in the Stockholm archipelargo when I was a child. My parents had a boat and summer vacation meant one month on the boat, sailing from one island to another... Swimming naked, fishing and playing close to the water. So many memories!

This time we spent one week on Blidö north of Stockholm and one of the bigger islands with about 130 houses and a regular ferry service. My sister was there, my cousin and his children... they spent not hours but days trying to catch small fish with their landing nets.... bliss.

The regular car ferry to Blidö (free of charge)

View from the ferry

Lush! Summer is short but intensive!


Happiness is to catch a small mouse and hold it a minute..

Tjälknöl made of reindeer.... you cook the frozen meat in 100 degrees for 6-10 hours.. then marinate for another 4-6 hours....

One of the many boats that goes from one island to another....

Catching small fish, the main activity

And catching not only fish but....

... seaweed!

My favorite part, further out on the south point of Blidö

Rough beauty. I learned to crawl on rocks like these... so I walked on all four like a bear...

Cinnamon buns! Freshly made by Christina, our hostess for a day

A bar/restaurant by the sea... boats stop by to have a beer or food....

ban nha mat pho ha noi bán nhà mặt phố hà nội