Friday, March 30, 2012

Cherry tree in bloom

Like everybody else, I post photos of flowers... this is our cherry tree blooming!
The birds are singing like crazy....

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sunday afternoon in Vieux Boucau

What a weekend....  lunch on a sunny terrace... watching the kids play in the sand.... in lovely Vieux Boucau.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring projects

Guess what I just caught? A butterfly!!! Can I keep it? (Björn)
No, honey, the butterfly is better outside, living his own life...
Can you help me planting the flowers?
Yes, and the strawberries and the cherry tomatoes too! (Clara)
No they have to wait a little bit, until it gets warmer... we keep them in a protected place for now...

Spring is here and all those projects, small and big.... 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Basket with school

Basket outing with school, meeting up with teams from other schools after having practiced during a certain time.... and picnic outside in the sun afterwards....

I like this sport outings and often propose to help out as an extra adult.... I wish I could show you some of the action photos I took but I prefer to show only the ones with my own girl.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Skiing with school

Clara went for one week of skiing with school in January this year.  In the mornings they made visits to discover the mountains, old ways of life and how to make goat cheese. In the afternoons they had two hours of skiing in Peyragudes.  Thrilling!

And she was proud to be back home with the second star, the next proficiency level.

Skiing in Saint Lary

Three glorious days in Saint Lary, an excellent way to spend part of the winter school vacation. Björn got a medal (première étoile) and Clara continued working to get the third star.... Both were following me in the blue tracks and we even tried a red one....

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