Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monkey tree business

Common in the Landes pine forest are different installations high with adventure paths high up in the trees.  Clara had already tried the children version at Adrenaline Parc outside Moliets, but this time Bjorn was finally old is enough to join her. They both got a thorough explanation of how to use the safety harness and how to unclip one at a time, making sure that at least one clip out of two is attached at all times. Then they headed off together, Clara helping out her brother at times. He was very proud to finish the four different paths for children. The instructor said that next year Clara could try the adult version, much higher up and much more difficult, if she was accompanied by an adult. Maybe I should go there and practice before? Who wants to join me?

Love this place. Peaceful... even if you sometimes hear a shrill cry when someone is gliding through the air high up!

Clara shows her brother how to do it

Bjorn prepares his turn. Concentration.

Here we go....

... I made it! I was just a little bit scared, mummy.

One of the most difficult ones for Bjorn. The trunks move freely and he is almost too short to hold on the the top wire...

The safety claps. Always at least one safely attached.

The higher platforms belong to the adult paths. Some of the platforms are really high up. The trees reach to about 30 metres...

Adrenaline Parc in Moliets


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