Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer = Moliets Beach and Mussels

Mussels in spicy sauce

When the real summer heat kicks in, we go to the beach in the afternoon and after a couple of hours there, we often end up at the Cave aux Moules - Mussel Cave - in Moliets. They open at seven and we try to be there by then, because it usually fills up real fast. So here we are, in flipflops and salty hair, enjoying our mussels with french fries and a draft beer or sangria. Last time I didn't take my usual cream and white wine, I took spicy and my husband Roquefort sauce. Both delicious....

Moliets, one of 58 beaches in Landes

The beach is guarded from 11AM to 7PM in summertime

Mussels in Roquefort sauce


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