Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sunday lunch at the Viella castle in Madiran

We've been a lot into castles lately. Kind of easy to get used to that kind of environment! This time we went to the Viella castle in Madiran. Every Sunday they serve a gourmet lunch accompanied by four different wines from their own wine production. Excellent idea! I believe it is always easier to fully appreciate a wine when served with food and the extraordinary setting for this meal, in the castle itself, could only make things better.

Viella is considered one of the top domains in the Madiran area. They produce red wine, red dessert wine, dry and sweet white wine. They belong simultanously to the Madiran and Pacherenc Vic Bilh wine classification.

PS It is actually situated in the Gers region; but very close to the border of Landes....
PS 2 The visit, lunch and wines were 30 euros per person...

View over the vines

The grapes are there, but still very very green

The owner Alain Bertolussi received us and made the guided tour.  He made a great guide, in French, and shared his passion and work in a very interesting and open way.

The renovated 17th century castle seen from below

In the heat we appreciated the shade of this green tunnel

Use what you have... and make a different play house!

The chai in what used to be the kitchen

Time to get seated

First a sweet wine with the foie gras

Foie gras and caramelized pears
Sturgeon fish from the Adour river with capers sauce

Some red wine

Local pig with orange sauce and potato gratin

The dessert was to die for... blueberry mousse, fruit stick and chocolate in two ways

I just loved this detail, a lamp made out of bottles!

Some photos that show the transformation of the castle

Admiring the view....

... before we start heading back home

Menu in French:
Dégustation du Pacherenc Moelleux

Mille et une Feuilles de Foie gras de Canard poêlé,
Pommes et Poires caramélisées au Vinaigre de Framboises

Dégustation du Pacherenc sec
Esturgeon de l’Adour, Crème aux Baies de Câprier
Demoiselles de la Mer sur lit de tendres Malabare

Dégustation du Madiran Expression
Carré de Noir de Bigorre, Sauce à l’Orange épicée
Embeurrée de Panais, Cœurs de Camus braisés et Farcis Forestiers

Dégustation du Vinosolis
Duo chocolat noir et Crème Anglaise à la Violette
Trésor de Myrtille

Café Colombie « Nogarolien »


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