Sunday, May 22, 2011


Armelle has given me an award! I am supposed to unveil seven things about myself... and tag another seven bloggers! Obviously this is completely out of subject!

1. I admire creativity and humour... I love following blogs that combine the two. This one is one of the cutest and funniest ones.... it stars two milk teeth and their adventures.... when I first found it I went back and read the whole thing! My Milk Toof

2. I have a complicated relation to cooking. Too many every-day-meals to cook for my children maybe... cooking pasta isn't that exciting after a while. But I work on my attitude problem... and I follow several Swedish food blogs. My favourite cooking blog is Om jag var din hemmafru (if I was your housewife).

3. Even if it's not my personal style I fully understand the attractiveness of the esthetics of the fifties... and I wanted to share a Swedish one that perfectly illustrates that ideal (mayby Google Translation can work?). It is a mix of diary, life style, cooking and opinions blog with wonderful photos. A girl from Northern Sweden writes about her life up north, her taste for vintage clothes, ecology and downsizing.... and when she comments on feminist issues or other themes of actuality she has a wit and a whip to her writing that I adore! She is not telling everyone to do what she does, but to really think through their life style and create their own life without looking so much at what everybody else does. Underbara Clara.

4. I am very interested in living simply, minimalism, Shung Fui... not hardcore at all, but I do believe in investing in experiences rather than material things. Thinking about what you buy and why.
Visitors at our place often comment on how few toys our children have... I don't really think so, but compared to the oceans of toys you find in some homes, maybe it is true. I read some blogs in Swedish but I guess this is one of the most interesting in English: Miss Minimalist

5. I used to sing in choirs and once even sang with a rock group. (this was in Nigeria and they didn't have many talents to chose from!). Now I mostly hum in the kitchen.

6. I have a Nintendo XL and I enjoy playing with my children! We connect and play Mario or Space Bobbles... I also like games with enigmas to resolve, like Professor Layton... (thanks to Armelle for initiating me to the joys of Nintendo...)

7. I read alot. Anything and everything. Books, papers, magazines, instructions. I love reading. 

Hmm... still three more blogs to share.... what about Tourdeshorizons, a blog about a family with three children travelling around the world during one year? They have only two months left now! Maybe En mammas dag, about garden and decoration with many beautiful and inspiring photos?
And finally I cheat and give you Svenskt Tenn, with Swedish interior products. My all time favorite is Josef Frank and his textile designs. So far I don't own one single item from this shop but one day... (not budget at all).


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