Monday, December 28, 2009

Landes, absolutely faboulous beaches

Atlantic beach front in LandesI live here, so maybe I am not the most objective person to be found. But, still, the beaches here are incredible. They equal the best northeast Brazilian beaches.

I remember my first time to the beach here. I had already seen part of the Atlantic coast, but further north and further south.  So I was expecting nice beaches. What I got was a most singular experience, something that still knocks me down when I go there - and I go there pretty often.

Beach in Mimizan in LandesThe beaches in Landes stretch without interruption for 100 km. Access to the beaches are almost always limited to a single road that leads through a vast pine forest. When you park the car, the sea is still hidden behind the dunes. And when you step over those dunes, it all hits you. The blue sky, the blue sea and the endless beach. The wind and the roaring of the waves crashing against the sand. You feel very little. And very happy. I believe the sea talks to all of us, a reminder of that first time floating in the water. I also believe that being able to see far away to a shimmering horizon is very peaceful. It puts things in perspective. I always feel good after a day on the beach.
Picture from the beach in Mimizan.


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