Friday, September 24, 2010

I am a sporty woman

Surprised, are you? I see myself as a pretty sporty woman, not too much but pretty much in shape most of the time. Sadly reality is not always true to my inner vision of myself... maybe the kids and the new house and some other stuff got in the way..  but now I feel I am back on track again! We both, my husband and I, signed up at sports club Océania. Step, tai chi, squash, lifting weights or aqua gym, we have access to it all for 47 euros a month.

So please ask me how I am doing in a couple of months or so. When the fresh ambition is not so fresh! I have tried the Body Balance, one hour of yoga, tai chi and pilates - loved that! I have also tried Body Pump, weight lifting in a group. I went there to accompany my husband... mistake! Took me three days before I could walk without yelping... but I took it as a sign that I need this!

See you at Beach 2011.


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