Monday, September 20, 2010

Rugby, food and Airbus A380

Making paper airplanes
Quite a happening this weekend in Toulouse! It started with a rugby game - Toulouse vs Bayonne - then we enjoyed some incredible food and finally went to the Airbus Family Day where you could see the new Q380 for real!

Good seats for the rugby game. A shame that Bayonne lost though...

Beet mousse - the start

Beet mousse - final version. Yummy! Armelle has got a siphon and that is good for manhood in general and for us in particular. She made beet mousse with pistachios...and a parmesan cheese chips.

This beautiful blue lobster came all the way from Bretagne to end up on a plancha in Toulouse... 

Unnerving to watch the live shrimps jumping on the plancha!

Then the men went food hunting at the Fish market. Their hunting luck was good! A big live lobster and some live shrimps went on the Plancha.... 

Figs, mousse of uncooked foie gras and fried foie gras.

Sweet regional white wine...

Melon mousse and speculoos crumbles!
Then we later on got some fried fresh foie gras with figs from the garden and a foie mousse made with raw foie gras... on top of speculoos crumbles. The picture is not very good but the contents were excellent!

An airplane toy

Do you see the nose and the wings?

Graphic techno beauty

Look how tiny the people are! In commercial operation, around 500 seats will be available on two floors

On Sunday it was time to admire the A380. Our host works with the assembly of this high tech baby. Pretty impressive to say the least. Lots of activities for the children....

On our way back home we stopped at the Tex Mex in Saint Paul les Dax. Their terrace is lovely in the sunny glow of a Sunday evening... and a great way to end a great weekend!


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