Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Course landaise in our village

School and the municipality joined forces to organise a demonstration of course landaise for the students at the Castets primary school and their parents. Excellent initiative since this is an old tradition here and really belongs to their cultural heritage.... and not all parents bring their children to learn what it is all about. We asked if we could bring our lunch guests, a mixed Swedish-Taiwanese-American family. I hope they found it as fun as we did!!

Photo: Fred Huang

He looks very solemn....

... but that's because he has somebody jumping up and down behind him to provoce the cow to attack!

The Angel Jump Photo: Fred Huang

Clara and her class mates

Photo: Fred Huang. One of the crazy men was a father with a pregnant wife...

Other articles about Course landaise, raising cows for the course landaise or the hugely popular cow games:
Spectacular cow jumping
Ganaderia de Buros - a passion for wild cows


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