Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My weekend in Bordeaux - Brunch at the CAPC

An old storage building that is reused as a museum for contemporary art, that is the CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain. Incredible place with enormous volumes below old arcades, like a cathedral. It is also, on the top floor, a beautiful restaurant/café Café du Musée with a very charming terrace. We went there for brunch.... if I lived in Bordeaux I would go there every Sunday morning...

The permanent collection of the museum is of a very high quality and for free. There are continuously different temporary expositions. When we were there, one has just ended, so the locals were empty.

Inside the CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain in Bordeaux

Brunch with our table set on the terrace

Fruit and pastry

Fromage blanc

Inside the Café du Musée in Bordeaux


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