Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My weekend in Bordeaux - walking around the centre

Last year we spent a marvellous weekend in Bordeaux with another couple of friends. Beginning of May, sunny and warm. We had left the children with their grandparents and were free as the wind to enjoy the big city! We had such a good time...

The old centre of Bordeaux is really small, so you can do a lot of things just walking around or taking the tramway. It is filled with beautiful architecture, squares with terraces... a mix of majestic avenues and small paved streets. I had refused to take my comfy sneakers, I wanted to be chic like the French women! But we spent so much time just walking around that by the end of the weekend my feet were in agony! Next time I bring the sneakers and change for going out in the evening!

Lamp in Bordeaux
Just one of all those beautiful details... a lamp ...

Detail of Porte Victoire in Bordeaux
... or impressive architecture. Here Porte d'Aquitaine at Place de la Victoire 

Victoire square in Bordeaux
Place de la Victoire, always animated with lots of students, bars and cafés

La Grosse Cloche Saint Eloi in Bordeaux
La Grosse Cloche Saint Eloi, the big bell. 

 Front of Saint André Cathedral before and after cleaning
Detail from the Saint André Cathedral. On the right, before cleaning, on the left, after cleaning!

Square below Saint André Cathedral
The square below the Saint André Cathedral

Camillan Julian square
Camillan Julian Square, a favourite place. Always full of people. 

 Busy street in Bordeaux
Cosy street at night time

I am preparing other posts to tell you all about this weekend. Check under the Bordeaux label!


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