Thursday, March 18, 2010

The lake in Vieux Boucau

Port d'Albret

Isn't it delicious when you get one of those summer days before summer? We took this sudden burst of heat and made a trip to Vieux Boucau! The headline photo of my blog comes from this place...

The Adour river met the sea at Vieux Boucau until it was deviated in 1578 to Bayonne. Today you have an artificial lake between Soustons and Vieux Boucau, with nice restaurants and a walking lane around the lake. A lot of people in summer, but for us, enjoying a sudden burst of summer in the middle of March, it was close to deserted. We had lunch at Le Bistrot and then spent some time on the beach around the lake.

There are many lakes along the Atlantic coast, frustrated rivers that have become lakes. It is a whole subject on its own...

Restaurant Le Bistrot

Salad with rillettes

The canal

Bjorn playing on the lake beach


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