Tuesday, June 8, 2010

School outing at the Port d'Albret Lake in Vieux Boucau

I volunteered to join Björn and his class for a full day hiking experience.... with around twenty five-year-olds we walked for over ten kilometres during the day! I was pretty impressed to see how welll the little ones coped. We started with a forest lane that took us through the pine trees, along a small pond and along the edges of the golf course for about six kilometres. Then we stopped by the lake for lunch. The children played in the sand. We met up with two other groups that were biking instead of walking. There were also other groups from other schools - see all the bikes!

 Afterwards we walked all around the lake, approximately five kilometres. The children were tired by the end... me too!!

(When Clara was going to have her first school picnic, I wasn't sure what that meant in France. I asked another mum and she advised me to make it simple and not put too much. They won't eat all of it anyway, she said. I usually make a sandwich with two slices of loaf, butter, a slice of cheese and a slice of ham. A small pack of chips, a small piece of cheese and a yoghurt. Maybe a fruit and always a small bottle of water. I followed her advice to the letter and Clara was very happy with her picnic. Since then I have always given them the same, give or take an item. I intend to continue until they complain!)

We start out in the forest....

... pass a small pond...

... the golf course...

... to get to the picnic by the lake!

The other children were biking. Small bikes, small wheels....

We continued around the lake, watching all the children training on small sailing boats.

The terraces were open.

Typical modern houses around the lake.

Here we see the sand dune.....

... and the sea.


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