Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Northern lake of Biscarosse, a big blue lagon

I have a lot to tell you about the big lakes of Landes, those rivers that became lakes when they could not reach the Atlantic sea. I start with the norther lakes of Biscarrosse, where we had lunch and spent the afternoon this Pentecoste Monday. The blue water, shallow and warm, the white sand and the pine trees. Another moment of pure happiness.... one of many in my favourite place, les Landes.

The Northern and Southern lakes of Biscarosse account for 3 200 ha of lagon like lakes..... the biggest resort of Landes has kept a soul. A place to go if you want the rude force of the Atlantic sea yet enjoy the smooth calm of the white sands of their lakes and their pine trees... me, I like. I like a lot.

White sand surrounded by pine trees

View with boats

Giant pine trees gives shade and fragrance

My husband contemplating the view (and supervising the children in the water)

The restaurant by the water, La Caravelle.

The children in front of the restaurant, studying small fish I think


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