Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mother's Day and a Poem

The card

My children usually recite a short poem on Mother's Day. They are pretty used to learning texts and poems by heart, something I can't remember doing at school back in Sweden. I think it is a very good excercice. They get used to standing up in front of their class mates and get a feeling for the rythm and rhymes of poetic language.

So this morning my almost-five-year-old stood in front of me and proudly recited the following - which I wish all mothers could have shared with me - ending with a big hug. No need to tell you my eyes where filled with tears of joy and pride.

J'ai cherché dans les poèmes ; I looked in the poems
Comment dire je t'aime ; How to say I love you
J'ai trouvé des mots savants ; I found words of wisdom
Bien trop longs pour mes cinq ans ; Much too long for my five years
Alors, j'ai cherché ailleurs ; So, I went looking somewhere else
Et j'ai trouvé dans mon coeur ; And I found in my heart
Les mots que tu m'as appris ; The words that you taught me
Quand j'étais encore petit ; When I was still little
Maman, je t'aime comme ça! ; Mother, I love you like that!
Je le dis avec mes bras ; I tell you with my arms


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