Sunday, January 9, 2011

Deer for New Year's

I've been bad at updating my blog. Hibernating?
New year's eve was just what I had wished for, pretty calm with friends, family and good food! The deer was absolutely divine...  I went to bed at 5.30, tired but happy.

2010 was a good year but it also held some disappointments for me, personal projetcts that didn't turn out as I wished. Oh well. I look upon 2011 with renewed energy and lots of ideas. Let's see what will come true....

Won the award as best helper in the kitchen!

Best butter ever. Can be eaten straight out of the box.

A couple of the candles I lit up. The were about another hundred plus sixteen in the trees in small glass containers (former yoghurts)

Best dressed - but her hand blocks the very original neck decoration....

Yummy! The black things in the back are truffle slices...

Almond macarons.....

... crisp on the outside and a little bit chewy on the inside....


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