Sunday, January 3, 2010

New year in Toulouse

New Year's Eve with our friends Armelle and Jean-François in Toulouse. Toulouse is not situated in Aquitaine, but belongs to the great Southwest France of excellent food. I was happy to hear that everybody would participate with a little something for the dinner, because this usually ends up with a sumptous dinner. And yes, that was what happended this time too! Now I am ready for weeks of soup and salad... or that's what I need anyway.  The only question is to know why I did not have to bring any food. Do they not trust Swedish cuisine?

Cake with dried tomatoes, pistaschio and chorizo

Armelle had prepared a delicious cake with dried tomatoes, pistachoes and chorizo. The recipe came from a book by the blog Chocolat and Zucchini. Love that blog, love that cake!

We started out with a punch, a homemade cocktail with unknown content. From last year I had learnt, though, that it was quite strong, so I stuck to one serving... different appetizers materialized as we continued the aperitif and soon all were there, adults and children all together in a very happy and festive mood. The kids prepared their own dessert, the famous brochette de bonbons, candy sticks. They also prepared coco sweets with some coloring - looks nice, doesn't it!

Armelle had also made her own foie gras de canard à l'armagnac, duck liver with armagnac. Absolutely delicious! She has promised to teach me how to do it, so watch out for the documentary! The we had Lotte à l'Américaine, lotte stew with shrimps and mussels. Marvelous! Then followed one of the most tender rôti de boeuf I have ever tasted.  Luckily I had seen the impressive cheese plate before, so I made sure to save some space to try out the different cheese, one of France best inventions.  And how find a better way to end the year than pink champagne? Of course I write about the food. But the most important was to share this moment with real good friends. I wish them and everybody else a fantastic 2010!

French cheese platterPink champagne glass


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