Thursday, January 14, 2010

She loves food and Bordeaux

Stella de la Rhune is the pseudonym for Hélène Frebourg. She lives in Lacanau, just outside Bordeaux, and spends a lot of time in Bordeaux. Enjoying good food is one of her favourite activities... and she works to create links between the producers of food and the consumers! I love what she does and her incredible energy!

She is responsible for an association called Club Networking & Gourmandise (Gluttony) ,  where people linked to food in various ways, meet, eat and mingle...

In a recent post she put a list of good links if you want to learn more about Bordeaux. For those who do not read French, I've translated some of them:

The wine seller Oenolimit, situated on the square Fernand Laffargue. Ambitious and eager to let you discover new and fresh wines from Bordeaux! The site was not finished when I checked it.
The guide books Féret, where Bruno Boidron serves as a history guide. Partly in English.
The Bordeaux wine commity CIVB. To learn more about wine and how to drink wine. In English
Bordeaux wine school. In English.
Bordeaux tourist office. In English.
The Town Hall site. In French
The Mayor's Alain Juppé blog. I have read some posts and it was interesting. I believe French politics have a long way to go to learn how to use the internet to their advantage. Juppé, a man that has defined many aspects of modern Bordeaux, seems to be one of the ones the most up to date.  In French, obviously.
CUB the urban community of Bordeaux. Here you can follow some of the big future projects for Bordeaux, like a new bridge across the river Garonne or the extension of the railway station area. In French.
Tourisme in Gironde. In English.
Tourisme Aquitaine. In English.


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