Saturday, January 9, 2010

Opening hours - just relax

Shop window

When we lived in Paris, we had gotten used to the shops being open continously throughout the day. Here it doesn't really work the same way. At noon, or latest one o'clock, all shop owners hang up the Closed sign and go home to have lunch. Maybe they even take a nap, because they are usually not back until three or four in the afternoon.

In the beginning I found this most annoying. I would always find I needed something just at the time they had closed... and kept mumbling to myself about these lazy, no good people... close down a shop for several hours...

But I have actually come to change my mind. Completely.
I now find this incredibly charming and part of what I appreciate the most here in the southwest of France, la douceur de vivre. Here you take it easy and enjoy life. Lunchtime is supposed to be spent with your family and friends, to eat and enjoy. Only foreigners would be stupid enough to want to go shopping at that time.

And by the way, if you ever feel like shopping on a Sunday, forget it. Everything is closed.


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